Water Scarcity

Hello,  I'm Praveena Pothi, and I would like to share some insights about water scarcity in India and potential solutions to address this issue.

There are several reasons why water scarcity happens, and one of the primary causes is the overuse of water resources. Despite water covering 70% of our planet, only 3% of it is freshwater and available for our use .over 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water and another 2.7 billion experience water scarcity for at least one month out of the year.

Rivers, lakes, and aquifers are drying up or becoming too polluted to use, while over half of the world's wetlands have disappeared.

Industries, agriculture, and households use a significant amount of water every day, and if the demand exceeds the supply, it can lead to water scarcity.

The impacts of water scarcity in India are significant, ranging from health impacts to economic impacts, gender impacts, and environmental impacts.

In terms of health impacts, lack of access to safe drinking water can lead to a range of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and diarrhea.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diarrhea alone is responsible for over 400,000 deaths in India each year.

Agriculture is a major source for millions of people in India, but water scarcity is severely impacting crop yields and productivity.

This is having significant economic impacts, including decreased agricultural productivity, increased food prices, and reduced economic growth.

In many parts of India, women and girls are responsible for fetching water, often spending several hours each day collecting water from distant sources.

Water scarcity exacerbates this burden, limiting their access to education, employment, and other opportunities.

Some states in India, such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, are facing severe water scarcity due to the overuse of groundwater and frequent droughts.

On the other hand, states like Assam and Meghalaya have abundant water resources but face challenges in accessing and managing them.

So, how can we avoid and overcome water scarcity? One solution is to increase awareness and education about water conservation. Encouraging people to use water judiciously, fixing leaks, and using low-flow faucets can make a big difference. 

For example, the Indian government has implemented several initiatives to address water scarcity, such as the National Water Mission and the Atal Bhujal Yojana. 

These initiatives aim to improve water conservation and management practices, promote sustainable agriculture, and ensure access to safe drinking water.

Another way to overcome water scarcity is through the use of technology. Innovations such as drip irrigation systems, rainwater harvesting, and wastewater treatment plants can help make better use of available water resources.

Without intervention, this situation will only continue to worsen. By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may face water shortages, and ecosystems around the world will suffer even more.

In conclusion, water scarcity is a pressing issue in India, and addressing it will require a concerted effort from various stakeholders, including the government, communities, and individuals. By implementing sustainable water management practices and taking steps to conserve water, we can ensure that future generations have access to this precious resource.

"Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water."

Types of Computers and their Classifications. Learn Computer with Praveena

 Computers are classified into three types:

  1. Analog
  2. Digital
  3. Hybrid
          Analog Computers


Analog Computers is a computing device that works on continuous range of values. It gives approximate results and it deals with physical variables such as voltage, pressure, temperature , speed etc..

      Digital Computers
A digital number system uses binary number system (0,1) , it is designed using digital circuits. It is faster and give accurate results.
     Hybrid Computers
A Hybrid Computing system is a combination of analog and digital computers.

Classification of computers
The digital computers are classified into four types
                             Digital Computers
  •  Super  computers                   
  •  Mainframe computers                                     
  •  Mini Computers                       
  •  Micro Computers

Super Computers
            Super Computers process billions of instructions per second. The most expensive ones are known as Super Computers.
Examples......Weather forecasting, special effects for movies,stock analysis etc...

Mainframe Computers

                    Mainframe computers are capable of processing data at very high speeds and it process hundreds of million instructions per second. These systems are so expensive. They are large in size. Examples....Airlines , Railway reservation system, banks, aerospace companies doing complex aircraft design...etc..

Mini Computers

              Mini Computers are lower to mainframe computers in terms of speed and storage capacity, They are low cost. During that time mini computers were bought by lot of customers in market because of low cost.

Micro Computers

               Micro Computers are several times cheaper than mini computers. This device include with a Microprocessor as its central processing unit. Micro Computers are further classified into four they are as follows

                                  Micro Computers

  •  Workstations 
  •  Personal Computers 
  •  Laptop computers
  •  Palm PCs       



                      It is a desktop machine used for intensive graphical applications. This device has a high resolution color graphics. Workstations are used for graphic intensive applications such as Computer Aided Design(CAD). 

Personal Computers

                        These desktop computers are also known as home computers or simply called as PCs. Today the PC are the most popular computer systems.

Laptop Computers

                        These  device are portable computers and it is also called as notebook computers. 




What is Data & Information in Computers? Difference between Data and Information?


What is Data?
            Data is a collection of numbers, Characters , symbols, images which are input ,processed and stored by the computer. Giving Input to the Computer is known as Data.

What is Information?

          Computers accept  data, instructions and perform arithmetic and logical operations and produce information.

Data -->Processing-->Information



  • Stored facts
  • The data is independent of the information

  • Processed facts
  • The information is dependent of the data             





Five Generations of Computer - Learn Computer with Praveena

First Generation - 1940-1956

                             The  First generation of Computers used Vaccum Tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. Input was based on punched cards and paper type, and output was displayed on printouts.

  • Large in size
  • Occupied a lot of space
  • Produced enormous heat
  • Very expensive
  • Consumed large amount of electricity
  • Operated only on machine language 

Second Generation -1956-1963

                        The Transistor was far better compare to Vaccum tube, in transistor punch cards for input and printouts for output

  • Smaller
  • Faster
  • Cheaper 

Third Generation 1964-1971
                     Integrated Circuits
                           In this third generation , keyboards and monitors were used , it solves so many problems at a time.

Fourth Generation - 1971-2010
                   Thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip.
  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Reliability
  • Smaller in size 
 Fifth Generation - 2010- Present
              Artificial Intelligence
  • Able to recognize image and graphs.
  • Decision making
  • Logical reasoning       



Basics of Computer...Learn Computer with Praveena

History of Computer
A computer is an Electronic device designed by CHARLES BABBAGE who is known as a "Father of Computer"in the early 1820's .It is Capable of Performing basic operations.
Abacus is the first known calculating machine used for counting.It is made of beads strung on cords and is used for simple arithmetic calculations.
The Cords correspond to position of decimal degits. The beads represent digits.Abacus is mainly used for addition,subtraction,and later for multiplication.
The Napier's Bones was invented by John Napier,he is a Scottish Mathematician. A set of bones consisted of nine rods. It is used for Multiplication.
The Slide Rule - 1633AD
The Slide Rule was invented by William Oughtred.It performs Multiplication and Division.
The Rotating Wheel Calculator - 1642AD It was developed by Blaise Pascal a French Philosopher,using components such as gears and leavers.
The Difference Engine - 1822AD
It was built by Charles Babbage.It calculate and tabulate polynomial functions.
Hollerith Tabulating Machine - 1890 AD
It was designed by Herman Hollerith using punched cards.This machine is able to read the information.

Blood Donation Application using Huawei Mobile Services

Blood Donation Application using Huawei Mobile Services
In this article we will talk about creating a Blood Donation Application using HMS. The main aim of this application is to reduce the time spent in searching of blood donors in case of emergency. This system will keep track of all the latest updates relevant to the people who needs blood and who had donated blood and about the availability of Donors .
About my Application:
This Blood Donation app system will specify all the details related to the donor such as their name, their address, their mobile number, their blood group, their email-id and last blood donated date and so on………. The one who need blood, just have to login into the system and then the one who needs the blood get access to all the available group of bloods in nearby blood banks as well as details of those who can donate blood in urgent.
Features of my Application:
• Find blood donators and donation centers by searching City and Area • Get geo-targeted blood shortage that alerts you if your blood type is needed in your area • Take a Snap during your blood donation and share it • Share Blood group and mobile number of the blood needed person to all nearby donors • Directly contact with the patient through Phone call • Push Notifications to all the users
Kits Required:
• Account kit • Location Kit • Map Kit • Push Kit • Health Kit • Share Engine
Huawei Account Kit provides developers with simple, secure, and quick sign-in and authorization functions. 1. One-click login 2. Secure Instead of entering accounts and passwords and waiting for authorization, users can just tap the Sign In with HUAWEI ID button to quickly and securely sign in to the app.
1. Allows to connect the Huawei ecosystem using HUAWEI ID from a range of devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and smart displays. 2. Serves more than 190 countries and regions worldwide. 3. Complies with international standards and protocols such as OAuth2.0 and OpenID Connect, and supports two-factor authentication (password authentication and mobile number authentication) to ensure high security. Location kit: It provides accurate location information services for apps Features: 1. Fused location: Request and stop requesting locations, set the mock location, obtain the location availability, and obtain the latest cached location. 2. Activity identification: Request and stop requesting activity identification and activity conversion. 3. Geofence: Add and remove geofences. 4. High-precision location: Request and stop requesting high-precision locations.
Map Kit
Map Kit is an SDK for map development. It covers map data of more than 200 countries and regions, and supports over one hundred languages. With this SDK, you can easily integrate map-based functions into your apps. Map Kit can clearly show green fields and vegetation information on a small scale.
• Map display Provides standard maps as well as UI elements such as markers, shapes, and layers for you to customize maps that better meet service scenarios. • Map interaction Enables users to interact with a map in your app through gestures and buttons in different scenarios. • Route planning Supports driving, cycling, walking, and other traveling modes, covering multiple countries and regions around the world
Push Kit
Huawei Push Kit allows for Message pushing from apps to mobile devices. By tapping a message displayed in the notification bar of the device the user can open the app and can view more details
Health Kit
HUAWEI Health Kit allows ecosystem apps to access fitness and health data of users For consumers, Health Kit provides a mechanism for fitness and health data storage and sharing based on flexible authorization. For developers and partners, Health Kit provides a data platform and fitness and health open capabilities, so that they can build related apps and services based on a multitude of data types. Health Kit connects the hardware devices and ecosystem apps to provide consumers with health care, workout guidance, and ultimate service experience.
• Data storage Provides a data platform for developers to store fitness and health data. • Data openness Provides a wide range of fitness and health APIs and supports sharing of the various fitness and health data, including step count, weight, and heart rate. • Data access authorization management Provides settings for users and developers so users can manage developers' access to their health and fitness data, guaranteeing users' data privacy and legal rights. • Device access Provides hardware devices (including fitness and health devices) with APIs for measuring and uploading data through the standard Bluetooth protocol.
Share Engine
Share Engine is a development kit that helps extend the Huawei Share capability to non-Huawei devices, to provide for high-quality cross-device file transfer at an optimal speed of 80 Mbps.
Hence these HMS kits will help to build Blood donation Application successfully.

Introduction to Python

Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum at National Research Institute for mathematics and computer science in Netherlands in 1990. The name Python named from Monty Python's Flying Circus,a BBC comedy series.